October 2001
New Brashiers’ Chapel UMC
King’s Kid’s
God Made Everything
GOD lives in heaven, and He is powerful
beyond our wildest imagination! He made the earth and stars and sun and everything
else. A long time ago He made the animals and birds and plants. Then He made the
first man and the first woman.
Think about some of the things in our beautiful world – the
giraffe and the elephant and the lion and the trees. Imagine what it was like long,
long ago when there were no trees or animals anywhere in all the world. But then God
made them. Who except GOD could do this?
Andrew and his friend Wesley were talking about God.
“How do we know God made the world?” Andrew asked.
“Because,” Wesley said, “we can look around us and see the
sky and trees and birds and animals. You and I could never make them. Only GOD
Think about how great God is to be able to make the sun and
stars and birds and everything else! We can only draw pictures of these things – we
can’t make them. Only GOD can! He said, “Let there be…” and there it was!
You or I could never make even a mouse or a puppy! But GOD can! He can do
Light travels 186,000 miles every second. It travels fast enough to go around the
entire world seven times between now and … now! Yet it takes eight minutes for light
from the sun to arrive here on earth. That’s because the sun is 93 million miles away
from us! Look at the stars at night. They are so far away that it takes from
thousands to millions of years for their light – at the speed of light – to come to us.
God’s power in making the sun and stars, and placing them in the heavens, is beyond
understanding! And He is our GOD and FATHER.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
–Genesis 1:1
What’s new for October
I heard on the NBC telegraph that there is
a new “Flute Ensemble” being formed in the children’s department. How exciting!
Can’t wait to hear ensemble playing in church.
to NBC on Wednesday Night, October 17th!
Children, Ages 11 and under, accompanied by an adult, will be
Able to shop for FREE books.
Wednesday Supper –
Wednesday Night, October 17th – Serving will
begin at 5:45pm with a special worship service to follow at 6:30pm. Bro Sammy will be
bringing the message and I hear that there will be special guest performing that night also.
So come out and join us for good food, book fair, special message from the pastor and
don’t forget the special guest.
For your information……..

G. A. P.
What is GAP!
G.A.P. refers to the
Pre-Teen ministry At NBC involving students ages nine thru eleven. G.A.P. stands got
God's Awesome Power. It serves as a transitional bridge for students who are preparing
to enter the youth ministry of our church. Leaders structure lessons and activities for the
emotional and spiritual needs of the students. On occassion they will combine with the
Middle Schoolers for an activity or outing. G.A.P. also participates in Joy Notes Children’s

The “Joy Notes” Children’s
Choir will be performing on Sunday Morning, October 21st for the AM Worship

Don’t Forget
– Sunday School 9:45am
Worship Service 10:45am
Evening Service 6:00pm
Hand Bells 5:30pm Wednesday
Children’s Choir Wednesday Night 6:00pm
King’s Kids
Wednesday 6:20pm

How Many Books are in the Bible?
How many letters are in the word OLD? 3
How many letters are in the word TESTAMENT? 9
There are 39 books in the Old Testament.
How many letters are in the word NEW? 3
How many letters are in the word TESTAMENT? 9
Multiply 3 by 9 to get 27.
There are 27 books in the New Testament.
Don’t forget to check
out the NBC Web Site at
Somewhere in this
newsletter is a hidden cross. Read the newsletter, be the FIRST “Kings Kid” to find
the cross and show it to Ms Melissa and you will receive a FREE GIFT!