Mountaintop Experience Through the Power of Music and Drama"

The music and arts
ministry is one of the most important areas in the life of any church. Besides being an
aid to any worship experience, it can be a tool for evangelism, education, counseling,
and enrichment for the individual and for the congregation as a whole.
Music and
arts increase the desire for others to be part of a vital Christian fellowship in our
community of faith. Used out of the worship setting, this ministry is an avenue for
broadening relationships and increasing the community's awareness of the church's

of Praise & Worship Music fills the air as this team ministers in song each Sunday
morning and special services at NBC. This group of dedicated Christians, directed by
Melissa Driver, come together, bringing their talents to God, to be use by God for His
Glory and Honor. What a blessing it is to see such a mixture of ages becoming one in
Christ as they strive to minister to New Brashiers Chapel Church and the community. This
group consist of nine individuals with auditions held when needed to fill a vacancy
Melissa can be reached by e-mail at
Skits, Expresive Dance, Human Video’s, Sign Language, WOW! What a powerful ministry.
Under the direction of Sherry Atchley, Pam Baker and Kelly Black, this team of talented
individuals will bless your heart every time. Sherry can be reached by e-mail at

Tuneful Tots is a preparatory choir for children ages four, five and six. This choir
rehearses every Sunday morning at 9:45am and again on Wednesday nights at 6pm in The
Little Angels classroom.

Joy Notes
is comprised of children ages seven thru eleven. This choir also rehearses every Sunday
morning at 9:45am and again on Wednesday night at 6pm in The Heavenly Treasures

Not only
are we singing his praises at NBC, but we are ringing his praises too! The children's
beginning hand bell choir only requires knowing your right from your left! This ministry
is directed by Melissa Driver. For further information you may contact Melissa at
missylynn@mindspring.com .
