Jesus said... "Let the children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."
Matthew 19:14

When you think of children, what is the
first thing that comes to your mind?
Do you think of smiles, laughter, hugs, and
angels, or maybe love with a little bit of mischief mixed in for the perfect combination of
fun? When I look at children, I see fingerprints of God, each one being unique and
wonderfully made. Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me" and "He who welcomes a
child in my name welcomes me".
Our Ministry With Children |
Recognizes each child as a special and unique gift of God.
Affirms the children as important part of life of the church and it's future.
Helps Children to understand that they are God's children and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Helps develop children's faith within loving, caring, forgiving and reconciling
Christian community.
Provides opportunities of service that enable the children to identify their own talents
and gifts to others.
Provides opportunities to participate in worship through children's time, music and
Helps to make children become an active participant in the total life of the church.
Provides support to children to all stages from birth to confirmation
the graphic above to go to the newsletter
PromiseLand Newsletter for ages four to eleven
and is published the first of each month with articles, devotions, stories, games and a
current monthly calendar of events for our Children’s Ministry at NBC.
Sunday School classes are available for
children age two through sixth grade at the 9:45am Sunday School hour. Each level is
taught by supportive and loving teachers, using the Bible-based curriculum Exploring
Faith by Cokesbury.

Wednesday Night King’s Kid’s BIBLE ZONE |
is a Bible-based program held on Wednesday evenings for children ages four thru eight
It is an opportunity for children to learn the stories of the Bible in an exciting, fun,
age-appropriate setting. BIBLE ZONE incorporates scripture memorization, small
group interaction, and craft projects in teaching children to experience God's word in their
lives on a daily basis.

G. A. P.
What is GAP!
G.A.P. refers to the Pre-Teen ministry At NBC involving students ages nine thru eleven.
G.A.P. stands got God's Awesome Power. It serves as a transitional bridge for
students who are preparing to enter the youth ministry of our church. Leaders structure
lessons and activities for the emotional and spiritual needs of the students. On occassion
they will combine with the Middle Schoolers for an activity or outing. G.A.P. also
participates in Joy Notes Children’s Choir.

Come and make a joyful noise with our children's choirs! Children's choirs range from
age four thru eleven. Children are welcome to join at any time during the school year. The
choirs meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights and again on Sunday morning at 9:45am.
The focus of our children's choirs is to teach the kids how to truly worship through song.
We believe that every person should have that opportunity! All children are welcomed and
encouraged to participate

The Tuneful Tots is a preparatory choir for children ages four, five and six. This choir
rehearses every Sunday morning at 9:45am and again on Wednesday nights at 6pm in The Little
Angels classroom.

Joy Notes is comprised of children ages seven thru eleven. This choir also rehearses
every Sunday morning at 9:45am and again on Wednesday night at 6pm in The Heavenly Treasures

This is a preparatory hand bell group for children ages seven thru eleven. Practice is
held on Wednesday nights at 5:30pm in The Jr. High Youth classroom. Emphasis is placed on
proper ringing techniques.