Prayer Line
What is Intercession?

Hello! Welcome to Our Prayer Line At NBC
Do you know how many times prayer is mentioned in
the Bible? Well, I didn’t either. I quit counting when I reached two hundred.
I thought to myself “that is enough to get God’s point across to me”.
God has given to each and everyone of us a direct
line to Him, so we can come into His presence, to tell Him about our needs, our desires for
physical healings, to ask for help for our families and friends, to bring us out of our sorrow
or confusion and to help us learn more about Him and ourselves. Actually we can talk to
Him about anything.
In the Old Testament we are told that Job prayed
and offered sacrifices every morning for each of his children just in case they had sinned.
(Job 1:5 NIV)
King David prayed to God night and day and sang
songs of praise to Him when He delivered him from the hand of his enemy. (II Samuel 22 NIV)
The Prophet Elijah spoke with God all his life (I
Kings 17:1 – 19,21 NIV)
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught His disciples how to
pray. Mark 11 tells us that if we pray believing, our prayers can move mountains and
heal the sick.
John 17, tells us Jesus Himself prayed to the
Father for us.
Paul asked his fellow Christians to pray for him
that he might stand firm in his witness for Jesus Christ.
In the Book of Acts, Jesus gave us the power of
the Holy Spirit to pray through.
We are told to pray about everything in Eph. 6:18.
Philippians 4:6,7 says if we pray to God, we will
have a peace, which transcends all understanding and that this peace will guard our hearts and
our minds in Christ Jesus.
Why would God be so good to us? Love.
Love is the answer. For God so loved you and me that He gave His one and only Son, that
whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)
Please bless us with your prayer requests.
We desire to pray for you and we ask you to pray for us at NBC. To post a prayer request
click here
In His Service
Chris Bishop
Prayer Warrior